Market (WA): Market-Buyer 'Location Selection'

Cultivera Market Retail Buyer Location Selection

This new feature allows retailer purchasers to select their purchasing location before starting a Market-Cart. This will also mean that license-specific Discounts set up by Cultivera Market Sellers will be improved and function as license-specific discounts.

Previously, the location selection was done at the time a Market Cart was submitted, however, this updated feature will provide ease for retailers when creating Market orders for their various purchasing locations.

Selecting Your Purchasing Location

The 'Location' selector can be found in the upper right corner of your screen:

You can select the intended purchasing location and then navigate to the intended vendor Market(s) to place an order.

Viewing Active Carts for Multiple Purchasing Locations

Market Buyers can now view the active Carts for each purchasing location in their buyer account by selecting the 'Active Carts' link in the upper right corner of the page. This will display any active/open Market Carts for any purchasing locations that have access to that Market Buyer account:

"Go to Cart" - this will take you to the Cart Details page, where you can update the order units before checking out.

"Quick Checkout" - this will take you directly to the Cart Checkout page where you can 'Submit Order'.

Please reach out to with any questions or concerns. Thanks!

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