PRO: Products - Adding and Cloning Products

Adding and Cloning Products

The Inventory Management > Products tab shows a catalog-style view of existing products, including images, test results, and inventory information for every product in your Cultivera PRO system.

Most of your products will have already been created by our team (or synced down from your state traceability system) during the onboarding process.

screenshot of cultivera pro inventory management page

While you can also view and update existing products from Inventory Management > Manage Menu, you’ll need to navigate to Inventory Management > Products in order to “Add New Product” or view Discontinued products. You can also create new products by Cloning an existing one, which can be done from the Product Detail page of any existing product.

Adding A New Product

Before adding a new product it’s a good idea to first search your existing list to make sure the product is not already in your system (potentially under a slightly different name than expected). If you find a product that is very similar to the new one needed, you can “Clone” a new product from the existing one if there are only minor changes such as flavor, strain, or package size (instructions for cloning products can be found at the bottom of this document).

To begin adding a completely new product:

  1. Navigate to Inventory Management > Products.
  2. Click the “+Add New Product” button, which will open a dialog box with multiple fields for you to fill in.
  3. Enter product information. Certain required fields are noted with a red asterisk and must be completed prior to creating the product.*
    screenshot of cultivera pro new item form
*Required fields
Required fields include Inventory Type, Strain, Product Line, Sub-Product Line, Package Size, and Label Template, all of which should have choices available on the dropdown menus. Any list that has a “plus sign” button next to it can be added to by clicking the plus sign and adding the new entry.

Once all the required fields have been populated:

  1. ClickCreate” in the bottom right corner to finish the process.

The new product will then be accessible in both the Products and Manage Menu pages.

Cloning Existing Products

Again, the 'Add New Product' process is useful for creating completely new products in your system.

If you already have a similar product in your system, cloning the existing product and editing the “cloned” copy can save time and effort.

To use the Clone feature:

  1. Navigate to the Product Detail page for the product you want to clone (either by clicking the Product Name seen on the Manage Menu and Products pages or by clicking the little eyeball icon next to the Product Name seen on the Batches page).
  2. Once on the Product Detail page, you can Select the yellow “Clone Product” button in the top-right (pictured below) to start a “New Product” creation.
    slim strip of screenshot of Cultivera PRO menu with the Clone Product button highlighted

This will create a product with all the fields copied from the product you cloned.

Before changing anything, note the words “New Product” should appear at the top of your screen, confirming that you’re not overwriting the original item you cloned from.
  1. At this point, all you have to do is Edit the fields that should be different (such as strain, package size, etc.)
  2. Then Select “Create” to save your changes.
Note: Not changing the "Name" field will result in an error - this is to prevent users from having multiple products with the same name.

If you have any questions on this, or any other, workflow in Cultivera PRO, please email

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