PRO: Plants - Destroying Plants

Plants - Destroying Plants

Use this workflow to schedule plants for destruction.

  1. Locate and select the plant(s) to be destroyed on the Grow > Plants screen. Use the Room, Strain, or other filters to narrow down the list.

Tip: You can multi-select plants by clicking and dragging your mouse across the range of plants you wish to select. 

  1. Once selected, click the “Destroy” button on the top toolbar or right-click and choose “Destroy” from the menu.

  1. Fill in the required fields for Waste Method, Waste Material Mixed, Weight, Unit Of Measurement, Reason, and the Reason Note in the “Destruction” dialog box and click “Schedule For Destruction”. Some of the options in the drop-down menus may vary from state to state. 

4. Once scheduled for destruction, a yellow “Scheduled” tag will appear in the row(s) for the plant(s) you’ve scheduled for destruction. You’ll be able to find them by filtering for the Grow Stage “Destroyed” as pictured above.

5. The plants that are scheduled for destruction can be viewed/managed in the Grow > Disposal screen on the “Ready For Destruction” tab, from which you can “Dispose” of them one at a time using the red “Dispose” button on the right, or by selecting several and clicking “Destroy” on the toolbar. Once plants have been fully disposed of they’ll appear on the “Destroyed” tab as a permanent record of their destruction.

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