Market (WA): Branded Wholesale Market

Branded Wholesale Markets

We are excited to announce the branded wholesale Market feature now available in Cultivera PRO. This will enable Cultivera PRO sellers to create a Branded Wholesale Market (separate from their existing Market storefront selling to retail buyers). The information below will provide you with all of the information you need to get started!

How to Create a Branded Wholesale Market

When you are ready to create a new branded wholesale market, you will need to fill out our Cultivera Branded Wholesale Market Interest Form for further assistance. Our team will create the new Market instance on the backend and then you'll be ready to start building out new Catalog Groups specific to that Market.

Interested in buying or selling in the Branded Wholesale Marketplace?  We’re actively onboarding both buyers and sellers and working through our queue as quickly as possible. To get started, fill out this form, and we’ll reach out as soon as it’s your turn in the onboarding process.

Creating Catalog Groups for Specific Markets

The steps to create new Catalog Groups will remain mostly the same, however, there is now an additional field where you can select which Market the Catalog Group should be assigned too. The Market assigned to a Catalog Group can also be updated at any time.

Once a Catalog Group has been created in your system, you can click on the Catalog Group Details page and assign the intended Market:

The Market assigned to the Catalog Group will also be displayed as a 'tag' on the Inventory Management > Catalog Groups page:

You will also see the assigned Marketplace for the Products on the Inventory Management > Manage Menu page:

Marketplace Settings

The new Marketplace Settings page can be found in the Configuration module. You can update the Name, Address, Phone #, Logo, and Market restrictions for each Market on this page:

Previously the 'Market Settings' were found on the Company Profile page; those settings have been removed and relocated to this new 'Market Settings' page in the Configuration module.

Market-specific logos can now be assigned to individual markets (this means the logo uploaded on the Company Profile page will be the Logo that appears on order documents, such as the Invoice).

Please reach out to with any questions or concerns. Thanks!

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