Manage Menu - Understanding Manage Menu
Understanding The Manage Menu Page
Inventory Management > Manage Menu is a list of the Products in your Cultivera Pro system, sortable by any of the column headings. This is where you will set pricing, set product availability for Sales or the Marketplace portal, and view inventory counts.
Each line corresponds to a specific Product in your inventory, sometimes known as a "SKU" (stock keeping unit).
All Products are shown by default, but can be filtered using buttons and filter fields at the top of the screen.
The more information entered in the “Filter Products” field, the more specific the search will be so sometimes “less is more” when performing a keyword search.
- All - Shows all items in the menu, regardless of availability. This is the default view.
- Avail. For Sale - Limits the list to only items with a Status of “available”.
- Not For Sale - Limits the list to only “not available” items.
- Avail. On Retail Portal - Limits the list to items available on the Marketplace portal.
- Filter Products - Text entered here will search the Product Name field.
- Product Line - Select from the drop-down menu to choose one or more product lines.
- Sub Product Line - This is filtered by the Product Line and will further narrow down the list.
- Product Tag - Select from the drop-down menu to find products with matching tags.
Whether you’ve applied a filter or not, you can sort any of the columns by clicking on the column headings. A single click will sort in ascending order (A-Z or smallest to largest) and a second click will sort in descending order (Z-A or largest to smallest).
- Product Name - Description of product that can include product type, strain/flavor, and size.
- Status - Available, Not Available, Available to Marketplace (shopping cart icon)
- Price - Price the product will be sold for. Bulk items are priced per gram. Packaged items are priced at a unit price. A price can be changed by clicking on it, entering a new value, then choosing “Save Price Changes” at the top of the screen. You can also select a group of items, right-click, and choose “Adjust Price” from the context menu (see instructions at the bottom of this article).
- Units For Sale - The number of units or grams that are in stock and available to sell. The availability must be set at both the Product and Batch level for units to be included here. Any items already allocated to an order or production run will not be included in this count.
- Units Allocated - The number of units or grams that have been allocated to an order or production run and cannot be sold on another order. Clicking the link will show order or production run information.
- Units On Backorder - Will show counts for items that have been ordered but are out of stock.
- Units On Hold - Shows if any holds have been placed on product Batches.
- Units In Stock - The physical number of units or grams that you have on hand in your inventory.
- Last Adjusted - Displays a price change (up in green, down in red) and can be hovered over to display a time/date stamp and user info for when the unit price was adjusted.
Besides changing the price, the right-click context menu will allow you to do the following in Manage Menu:
- Make Available - Sets a Product status to “Available” and makes it visible to Sales.
- Make Unavailable - Sets a Product status to “Not Available” and hides it from Sales.
- Make Available (for Portal) - Makes a Product visible to the Marketplace portal
- Make Unavailable (for Portal) - Removes a product from Marketplace portal.
- Quick Price Adjust - Allows for a price adjustment, up or down, by a specific percentage.
- Discount & Promotion - Allows you to apply a discount or promotion that has been defined in the “Discount & Promotion” tab.
- Adjust Price - You can change the price of selected items by entering a new value, adjust by percentage, or adjust by a fixed dollar amount.
You can also add products to a Catalog Group, which will gather items by groups you configure in a later section. When assigned, the item will have the
icon next to it. You can hover over the icon to see which group it is assigned to.
- Stock Level Alert Settings - These allow notifications when an item reaches a certain minimum inventory threshold. Entering a value in “Minimum Units For Sale” will alert you if the “Available” units drop below that quantity. Entering a value in “Minimum Units In Stock” will trigger an alert if the “Units In Stock” quantity drops below the selected quantity. Alerts will appear in the Notification area (the “bell” icon at the top of the screen).
- Adjust Max Retailer Units - Controls the number of units of available inventory that will be displayed on the Marketplace portal. With this option set, your customers will only be able to view the maximum quantity that you enter here, regardless of the quantity in stock. In the example below, the maximum quantity is set to 50, which will be the highest quantity displayed for that inventory item.
- Add To Catalog Group - Associates a product with an existing catalog group or lets you create a new group. Catalog groups can be organized to make the order entry process easier for your Sales staff or customers on the Marketplace portal.
- Tag/Remove Tags - Tags in this list can be applied to Products to make them easier to find using a filter. You can apply more than one tag to a product. The tags themselves are created in the Inventory Management > Product Tags area.
- Discontinue - If you have items in the Manage Menu list that are no longer used, the Discontinue feature allows you to “hide” them by moving them to the Inventory Management>Products screen where they can be found using the “Discontinued” filter. You can “resume” products from this view if you need to bring them back.
Publishing or Sharing Your Menu
At the top right of the Manage Menu screen there are buttons marked “Publish To S2 Market” and “Share Menu”.
The “Publish to…” button will synchronize any changes you have made with your published online Marketplace catalog. The Share Menu button allows you to send a copy of your current inventory via email to selected clients or download an Excel spreadsheet of your entire product menu.
The checkboxes in the “Select Clients” dialog box allow you to select whether to hide backorder or quantity information as well as select which test results you’d like to share. Contacts you have on file in your account info will be listed here for you to select from.
Selecting Multiple Items in a List
To select multiple adjacent items you can drag across them and they'll highlight in blue.
You can also click the first item in a list and, as you are holding the SHIFT key, click the last item in the list to highlight everything in between.
To select multiple non-adjacent items, left-click a single line item, hold down the CTRL key (Windows) or the COMMAND key (Mac), and as you’re holding it, continue clicking other line items. Each selected line will become highlighted in blue.
You can then right-click on any of the selected rows and whatever action chosen from the menu will affect all selected items.
Viewing Batch Information For A Product
You are able to view all the Batches of a selected Product by clicking on the blue “Batches” button to the left of the Product Name.
This will take you to the Inventory Management > Batches screen, filtered by that specific Product.