PRO (WA): Harvesting Fresh Frozen Material

Fresh Frozen Harvests & Conversions (WA)

You can refer to the following steps to record fresh frozen material from a harvest.

If you need assistance creating a new harvest in Cultivera, you can refer to the "Creating a Harvest (WA)" self-help article.

  1. Navigate to Grow HarvestClick on the name of a Harvest to navigate to the Harvest Detail page:
    cultivera screenshot
  2. Select the blue “Cure” button:
    cultivera screenshot
Alternatively, you can click the "Cure" button associated with the Harvest, directly from the Harvest page:
cultivera screenshot
  1. Enter the "Dry Weight" and select the associated flower Product and Room. If applicable, you can also enter the "Other Material Weight" and “Waste Weight” before selecting Save”. 
    cultivera screenshot
You can enter your Fresh Frozen weight as the Dry Weight (or include it in the Dry weight total if you are also harvesting dry flower) and then once the harvest is finished, you can perform a production run to convert the fresh frozen weight to the intended fresh frozen product in your system.
If all of the harvest weight is intended to be Fresh Frozen, you can instead "Assign/Convert" the harvest batch to a Fresh Frozen product from Inventory Management > Batches.
  1. You will see a success message once the Cure is complete, and the corresponding weights will be recorded. From the Harvest Detail page, you will also see the Barcodes generated for any Weights entered, as well as their corresponding Room:
    cultivera screenshot
  2. Once all of the dry weights have been recorded for the harvest, select Finish Harvest”.
    cultivera screenshot

Once the harvest has been finalized, the new batches can be found in Inventory Management > Batches.

cultivera screenshot

Converting to Fresh Frozen Product

If the full quantity of the harvest batch is intended to be recorded as Fresh Frozen, you can convert it to a Fresh Frozen product from Inventory Management > Batches.

  1. Navigate to Inventory Management > Batches, right-click on the batch, and select "Assign/Convert".
    cultivera screenshot
  2. In the "Convert to Product" field, enter the product you wish to convert to, select it from the dropdown menu, and then select "Convert".
    cultivera screenshot

If you only need to convert a partial quantity of the batch to a Fresh Frozen product, you can do so via a Production Run. Please refer to the Creating A Bill Of Materials And Production Run self-help article for step-by-step instructions on performing a Production Run in Cultivera.

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