PRO: Batches - Export Batches Currently in Stock

Exporting Batches Currently in Stock

Note: This will provide you with a list of your current inventory batches, so we recommend you export this and/or your plants (can be exported from Grow > Plants > "Export Plants to Excel") anytime you'd like to save a snapshot of the inventories/plants you have on that day (Cultivera does not save any snapshots of your inventory or any of the inventory and plant exports). 
  1. Navigate to Inventory Management > Batches:
Graphical user interface, application
  1. Click “Export Batches Currently in Stock”.
Graphical user interface, application
          Description automatically generated

The “Batches Currently in Stock” export will appear as a downloaded file. 

Note: Make sure to “Always Allow” pop-ups from Cultivera  for the export to appear at the bottom of your screen, pictured below.
Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message
          Description automatically generated

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