PRO (OK) Grow: Plant Promotion (METRC)

Plant Promotion in the Grow Module

"Plant Promotion" is when a plant is moved from one growth phase, or stage in its life cycle, to the next.

Examples include promoting an "Immature Plant" to "Vegetative", or a "Flowering Plant" to "Ready for Harvest."

Once a plant(s) has been transplanted into a Grow Cycle from Immature Plants, it will appear in the Plants tab in the Vegetative state.

To promote a plant, begin in the Cultivera Grow Module.

Navigate to Grow > Plants

To “Promote” plants to the next growth phase or stage, select the intended plant(s) and click on “Promote”.

screenshot of cultivera pro grow module plants page

When “Promote” is selected there will be a few options to choose from.

screenshot of plant promotion option in cultivera pro
If a plant is being promoted from Vegetative to Flowering, this will move the plant in Metrc from Vegetative to Flowering . This is the only time "Promote" will affect Metrc.
screenshot of tabs in metrc platform

When it is time to Harvest plants the "Promote" button will be utilized to promote the plant(s) to "Ready for Harvest".

Please see our article Grow: Harvest (Entering Wet Weights) to see the next steps for harvesting plants within Cultivera.

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