PRO: Orders - Managing Drivers On A Manifest

Managing Drivers On An Order Manifest

Follow this workflow to manage drivers on an Order Manifest.

  1. While in the Fulfillment > Orders screen, click an open order number and make sure it has already been "sublotted" or "packaged".
  2. Click on the "Manifest" button at the top of the order and note whether it will be for Delivery, Pickup, or will use a Third-Party Delivery service. The Estimated Departure and Arrival Dates need to be in the future, and the Route should fill in automatically, based on the addresses listed.

Notice the “Manage Drivers” and "Manage Vehicles” links next to the drop-down fields for "Driver/Employee Name" and "Vehicle".

  1. Click the "Manage Drivers" link to navigate to the Fulfillment > Drivers screen, where you can create, edit, and/or delete drivers.
Note: You will not be able to delete a driver that has already been associated with a manifest.

Notice there are two tabs, one for Delivery Drivers and another for Pickup Drivers.

Note: When entering a Pickup Driver you’ll also need to include the name of the client the driver works for.

How To Add A Driver

  1. Click the “Create Driver” button.
  1. Fill in the information in the “Add Driver” window.
Note: Only check the “Hide for Fulfillment” box if you don’t want the driver to appear as an option when manifesting orders.
  1. Click Create Driver”.

Editing Drivers

  1. Click the "Edit" button on the Fulfillment > Drivers page for the driver you wish to edit information for.
  1. Make any necessary changes and click "Update Driver".

  1. Once you’ve added or updated the driver you will need to navigate back to Fulfillment > Orders to return to the order and start the Manifest again. This time the new entries will appear in the drop-down menus.

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