PRO: Manage Menu - Set Product Pricing

Setting Product Pricing

To set prices for your Products in Cultivera, follow this step-by-step guide, keeping in mind the "Price" is what you are charging for the product.

  1. Navigate to Inventory Management > Manage Menu.
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  1. Using the “Product-Line” and “Sub Product-Line” filters, isolate a group of products that will be priced the same.
    The “Filter Products” field is a free-text field, where you can further filter your selection.
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For example, entering “1g” will look like the screenshot below.

  1. Multi-select the grouping of products.
    This can be done using the CTRL + click (PC) or Command  + click (Mac) method, the SHIFT + click method (to select adjacent rows), or by dragging to select a group of products.
  2. Right-click the selection, and click Adjust Prices” from the dropdown menu that appears.

In the Price Adjustment pop-up window, there are three price adjustment options: 

Set New Amount” will adjust the price to the amount entered in the “$ Amount” field.

Adjust By Percentage” will increase the price by the percentage entered in the “%” field. To decrease the price, enter a negative value in this field. 

Adjust By Amount” will increase the price by the amount entered in the “$” field. To decrease the price, enter a negative value in this field.

  1. Click “Update Price” to save changes.
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To update the Price of a single Product, Navigate to the Inventory Management > Manage Menu page, and click on the Price of the Product. You can then enter the intended Price and then select Save Price Changes”.

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