All Categories > Cultivera POS - How To... > POS BackOffice > POS BackOffice: CRM
POS Back Office: CRM - Customers. Cultivera offers a built-in Customer Management System (CRM). Customer information can be entered in both the Back Office and at the POS Terminal. Customers is the f…
Updated 8 months ago by Cultivera Team
POS CRM- Customer Groups. Customer Groups are a way of categorizing customers for the purpose of applying discounts for certain groups such as Veterans or Seniors. To add a new customer group, click…
POS CRM: Vendors. The Vendors tab tracks all of the vendors that you might work with in your supply chain. Vendors can be added, including their License information, and Contacts. Navigate to the Ven…
Updated 5 months ago by Cultivera Team
POS Back Office: CRM - Check-In Customer. The Customer Check-In allows you to queue customers as they check in to your dispensary. You can search for and add customers here while queueing them to be…
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